Swing Bed
A less intensive service designed to keep patients in their community for additional therapy and care before transitioning home or to long term care.
Surgical Services in Ophthalmology and General Surgery are routinely performed at Towner County Medical Center.
A healthy and functioning digestive tract is important for your overall health. An endoscopy is a common, non-surgical procedure that closely examines a person’s digestive tract. It can diagnose a variety of issues, including colon cancer and other digestive tract cancers. Dr. Mark Peterson performs colonoscopy and upper endoscopy procedures at TCMC, along with our experienced nursing staff and anesthesia services. Our team provides endoscopy services that are safe, precise and timely, in a friendly and compassionate environment.
Contact Us
Lee Bjornstad (LSW): 968-2607
Chantel Parker (DON): 968-2517
Hospital Nurses: (701)-968-2500
Our Providers

Ben Bucher
FNP-BC Family Practice/Emergency Medicine

Ben Bucher
FNP-BC Family Practice/Emergency Medicine

Cassie Ullyott
FNP-C Family Practice/Emergency Medicine

Cassie Ullyott
FNP-C Family Practice/Emergency Medicine

Grant Lannoye
PA-C Family Practice/Emergency Medicine

Grant Lannoye
PA-C Family Practice/Emergency Medicine

Jeana Jorde
PA-C Family Practice

Jeana Jorde
PA-C Family Practice

Sam Held
FNP-C Family Practice/Emergency Medicine

Sam Held
FNP-C Family Practice/Emergency Medicine

Robert Dicken
MD Ophthalmology

Mark Peterson
MD Endoscopy